MIA Adora 3D Fiberlash Mascara

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   3D Fiber Lash

                BY: Mia Adora


Hey guys its me Dreama again,      

I am writing to tell you about this amazing offer I received from Tomson's , I received the 3D Fiber Lash Mascara from them in exchange for my honest review and I am so excited that I did because I have been wanting to try this Mascara for months but they can be very expensive.  These are amazing and they really do work great, they have changed my appearance dramatically and has  became a part of my daily makeup routine. My lashes are now visible when before they were so nearly invisible it was like I didn't even have any.

3D Fiber Lash Mascara is going to change so many young women's lives for the better, its going to build their self-esteem and confidence while making them beautiful.  This Mascara has gave me control again. Everyone has always bragged about how pretty my eyes where but I just didn't see it, yes they were blue, but was that it? I didn't see anything else to compliment other than the color !!! with this mascara my lashes are voluptuous and satisfying, gives me a reason to apply Mascara routinely, before I discovered this Mascara I would double up and put layers on top of layers on my eyes and by the end of day, it was smeared down my face, or if humidity was up running like I had been crying, I looked like a coon. Wow, no one wants to look like this especially at work, movies or just a shopping trip out with the kids. Everyone looked at me like I was a makeup Disaster, Now they look at me as I am Diva. 

 Their are three basic steps when applying Mia Adora 3D FIBER LASH MASCARA, as I would say their are with just about any of the other brands. Mia Adora Magnifies your lashes by 300% in these three easy steps!!!
Step 1:  Apply a generous coat of Magnifying Gel to eyelashes from base to top.
               15-20 strokes to ensure each lash is coated.
Step 2: Why Magnifying Gel is still wet, gently brush on Natural Fibers from mid-lashes to top of lashes. Just be careful not to apply Natural Fibers close to the eyeball. 10-15 strokes.

Step 3: Allow 20 seconds for Fibers to dry and then apply Magnifying Gel again to seal fibers in place. Ensure to apply a generous amount to prevent fibers from flaking off during the day.

Follow these instructions and you will have perfectly flawless eyelashes every time. They are beautiful..

To get yours visit : http://www.miaadora.com 
When online and searching look for #MiaAdora

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