CROWDTAP REVIEWERS PLATFORM              

  First off let me start out by saying I do LOVE LOVE LOVE, Crowdtap! This is one of the newer platforms that I have found, actually I signed up forever ago, but thought it was another one of those sites that survey you to death (literally) and give you .30 cents, and that's on a good day.  So I just never tried it out or gave it a fair chance.  This is one of the ways the old phrase 'CANT JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER' comes into play.   One day an email popped up saying I had an offer to review an Revlon eye quad and it was from Crowdtap, could this be real? I really hadn't even logged in on that site in months.  So I clicked the link in my email and was taken directly to the webpage (I will post a link below) as were I read I had been chosen for this review and it was posted to me earlier that day.  Now this kinda puzzled me but made me super excited.  I had nothing to do and was broke had no money for Amazon and I was literally like someone on drugs, DTs and all.  I admit I have a shopping addiction, as well as I would bet most of you reading this blog does.  This applies especially to those who do reviews.  So I done a few poles in which I got to pick in my profile brands I liked or used, so it was about things I was interested in.  After about 30 minutes of doing polls and a few questionnaires, their was a pop up saying I had won a gift card, now mind you they don't tell you the amount, it just says to watch your email.  Within the hour the email came through and it said within 3 business days I would receive an email with the code to redeem the GC I had won, now this one didn't tell me the amount either, I was expecting maybe a dollar since it was so easy.  So everyday I was checking my email and on the third day I received the email and it was in fact a $5 gift card. Now since then I have earned 3 and it only takes a little time to get on their and answer the questionnaires they had sent me.  I also received 2 boxes and 1 package in the mail that day.  I didn't even know I was getting the 2 boxes I was surprised!! Now in those 2 big boxes were shampoos that catered to my hair needs, conditioners, and hairsprays, mousses & in my package was the eye shadow quad.  Now all they require is you too be honest and tell them what you thought of these products and that I did.  I was so excited for this.  I am hooked on this site, only being active on their a little over a month, I have gotten more than I had from any other survey site that I had joined.  
   I am going to say this it is up to you at how much you earn, or how much you are chosen based on how well your reviews are written, how fast you post them, and the quality.  I chose since I am a YouTuber to do videos to help others get items for free and to promote their website.  Now I am not paid to promote their website (I WISH I WAS) but I love their site so much and I think they deserve it.  I also love the idea of giving back to my readers and other reviewers.  This is something I enjoy doing so why not make a few bucks and gain some awesome products?  Now in the Unliever sampling which is what I got when I got the shampoos and things you never know what your going to get!  It is completely random. so here is what plays in to that, and why it is good to be honest when answering their questions because this is how they choose the things you will receive. So if you choose to tell a white lie then you may receive something that doesn't even interest you at all, when someone else could had gotten it that loves that product and could have done an amazing review of this item. So keep this in mind when filling out this profile and questionnaires.  

The customer service is so very much on point and very responsive as well.  So if you have any questions, don't be afraid to write to them.  This is their business and they thrive off of us.  We the reviewers are what makes the businesses stay afloat, because people shopping online purchase based on our reviews, because they cannot physically test it out. So be honest always and use your own words.  Do not lie on your reviews, this is fraud, and also would you want to buy something and get it home and it be awful but because someone lied on the review you bought it.  Keep it clean, honest and fun.  On Crowdtap they ask you questions about new and upcoming items that arent released yet, and which ever is the most popular is the one that will be on shelves, so they give you the chance and opportunity to be a part of something.  Its cool to see things on the shelves of your favorite stores that you had a hand in making it come to life.  So I am going to link the site below and hopefully you all can sign up today and start earning some free things.  BR SURE TO FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM @DREAMADAWNDJ




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