Let me Start out by saying these stories are my own personal stories. They are true things that have happened to myself and family members! I hope you enjoy and just a reminder never doubt yourself for what you πŸ’€see or hear !!πŸ’€
I would say the year was 2005, it was late October, my husband & I had just purchased our first home. It was a used Mobile home, nothing brand new or fancy but it was ours. My mom owned some property on the top of the hill, just across the ridge from what my papaw always called Devils Hollow! (I will explain that later), it was beautiful land and very quiet remote country side. The only other person living within almost a mile was my mom and she was just up on the small bank above us. None of us had gotten electricity ran back their yet (yes it was that far off grid) so the nights were very long and dark and your mind could sometimes play some pretty scary tricks on you, we loved it anyway it was a home, I was pregnant with our first born and besides the generator we used ruled out in noises we would hear. I was 25 and he was 24 we had been together about 2 years and married for one so it was all New to us. My husband at the time didn’t believe in what he called ghosts or anything paranormal ! He was a very big Non believer just like his dad. On the other hand my mom and I were not, we had saw and herd things before that was a total convincing to us! We knew when she bought the land why it was gonna be scary, and that the reason it was called the Devils Hollow, was people had been killed their and chased out by something that they couldn’t see, just a black figure, even my papaw had been chased out. One of the murders was a couple men back in the 20’s early 30’s had killed their mom maybe their aunt (i cannot remember which was said) over $10 and a wagon, they then drug the body of the woman too the little pond just over the ridge (the road now that we come through to get home) and dumped her body inside and put a heavy stone on her body to hold her down. She was found about 4months later in a drought, the water had evaporated from the little pond/spring and the buggies would stop and let their horses drink from the small hole of water but this time the person got more than he bargained for. It was the remains pretty well preserved from the cold water but still scary and horribly bloated and swollen from water and time. When they reported to the sheriff he was quick to think of the two boys that lived with her and hadn’t reported her missing, and thinking back he hadn’t saw her around in a bit, so the two were took in for questioning and were tricked and bribed into ratting on each other. (So Now You Know the Story lets go on.)
This never really bothered us as we had lived down the road from this place our hole life but we never expected the thing that was about to happen to ever happen ! My first night at the new trailer we done a lot of cleaning, painting and other things that were highly needed before we could just move in. It was around 11:30pm and it was getting darker the gas station had been closed for over an hour, we knew the ge erator was not gonna last through the night so we decided to stay the night up on the little bank at my moms house. I had a puppy I had just gotten she was a beautiful and her name was Rose, she was so sweet and playful she stayed in our trailer since it was in eye sight from us and we would be back down early the following morning to do more work, we threw down an blanket and put some food and water down for her locked the door and continued up the hill to my moms. We sat and talked with mom for about an hour about some things she had herd but we brushed it off as her being alone in a big house, back on the hill, we were worn put anyway from the activities of the day and My feet were swollen, my back aches and I just wanted to go to sleep, so we said good night and went to bed. It was around 3:30am, this baby was going wild and I had to go pee, she was kicking my bladder and I just couldn’t put it off anymore. With a flashlight πŸ”¦ for my source of light, I wasn’t too worried it was just accross the room it was a twin bathroom that seperated two bedrooms, so I didn’t have to even leave the room. I made it into the bathroom and sat down, still barely holding my eyes open, I felt a really cold breeze go across my face and legs! What the hell was that? I asked myself, knowing their was no fans or AC the electric hadn’t been hooked up. Ohh it must be the night air coming through the bedroom windows, I got up washed my hands headed back to the bed and herd a slight screach noice behind me as if someone stood up behind me as it was a full step. I got an eery feeling and quickly climbed in the bed scooted as close to Ronnie (my husband) as I could and covered up to were I could barely see. I never saw anything but I was ready for daylight, I slowly at some point went back to sleep. It didn’t seem as if I was asleep 30 min when my mom-awoke us, knocking on the door and saying kids its time to get up, we have stuff to get done. I was comfy, and didn’t really want to arise from the warm sheets and soft blankets but I knew I had too. I nuged Ronnie and said rise and shine baby we gotta work on the house today. He was excited as I was because he sprang up and got dressed and I was still lying their, thinking about the night before and what had happened, just a procrastinator is what you are my husband said. What? Oh lol no Im just lazy, sorry I was just in deep thought, I said. Come on get up and get some coffee and lets go down to the trailer. I climbed out of the bed, wanting to lay back down, but I didn’t, I got right up went to the ladies room in the hallway, washed up and proceeded to the kitchen and made a pot of coffee, and out the door we went. As we approached the front door, I remember getting a sick feeling but put it off on being pregnant, and went on inside. Ronnie was getting tools from the trunk of the car and I was calling for Rosie, this was not like her not to meet me at the door with a wagging tail that swayed her body from side to side, bouncing halfway my torso happy to see me. I continued to call for her, still no noise whatsoever, I opened the door stuck my head out (Ronnie have you saw Rosie? No she was locked inside last night and their was no way she could had gotten out, I checked everything and made sure all doors were locked. I really got that sick upset feeling in the bottom pit of my stomache, thinking maybe she got locked in a room I went through the trailer calling her name slowly checking each room and closet, no doors were shut, I knew in my mind something was wrong and as I approached the back bedroom were we made her bed and placed her food bowls, I began to get nervous this was the last room!! As I stepped in the room, dreadfully looking too the corner to the far right l, their she lay on the blanket but not breathing. I quickly hurried over to her lifeless body with her eyes wide open she was gone, her body stiff and cold, I was torn into crying and yelling for Ronnie, neither of us could understand what happened to her, she was fine the day before, it was only 60 degrees through the night so she didnt freeze? So we made her a makeshift coffin, dug her grave out in the front of the yard were the flowers bloomed and a huge snowball bush towered ovwr her grqve, it was pretty and thats where ai wanted her to be. We buried her and as I wakked away it hit me that she was gone, I didn’t really want to go back inside especially in the room my pupy passed in, so I worked around outide a little bit. I noticed all these strange piles of rocks and formations all on the bank behind our home! What were those things? I had no idea but it was like a light πŸ’‘ lit up in my head, could it be really (Indian burial grounds), I hoped not but in the back of my mind I knew, thats what it was. Errie as hell feelings and now this, what else was wrong with this place?
That night we decided to stay their in our new home, I was scared but not too scared I was just happy to stay in my own home. After all the baby would be coming soon. Ronnie and I sat up late that night tqlking and discussing, just about everything that had happened the last couple of days, Ronnie never felt one way or the other about it, he didn’t believe in the paranormal after all. So I knew it was hopeless to try and convince him to believe, he would just tell me it was my hormones or I was crazy. So I turned over and went fast to sleep. I tossed and tirned all night had nightmares over and over about my Rosie, was it a coincidence or just my mind going crazy. Idk but it was a horrible rest that night and I was too tired to work the next day.
 πŸ’€πŸ‘»πŸ’€πŸ‘»πŸ’€πŸ‘»PART 2πŸ’€πŸ‘»πŸ’€πŸ‘»πŸ’€πŸ‘»πŸ’€πŸ‘»
   I guess we had been living their a couple weeks, and nothing seemed to happen so far out of the ordinary besides the noises in the country hills, from the animals and wind.  It was a big relief for me I was finally getting comfortable being their and enjoying my own home.  It wouldn’t last for long though! Things started to happen that we couldn’t explain.  It all startrd when Ronnie got a new hound dog, and decided to make him a house on the bank behind us, just beside the big rock formation that I called the indian grave.  I had told him and his dad while working on the lot, do not move or touch that rock pile, but he didn’t listen nor did his dad.  They moved some of the wrocks to put the run through that aera.  That Im not gonna lie terrified me .  I was never gonna see any peace now.  Sure enough that night the edge of dark we were sitting in the living room talking about what to do next when it sounded like something threw a pebble or rock idk and hit the back side window of the trailer, everyone jumped I thought it busted the window.  It hadn’t thank god but the dog never even barked, and the strange thing is, if it was their a human figure he would had barked his head off but he evidently could not see anything, this wasn’t human, the window would have shattered, their wasnt even a rock in close proximity of the window when my husband and father inlaw went to investigate.  I quickly began to tell them, didn’t I tell you not to move those rocks?  This had me terrified that we had disturbed an evil that we weren’t prepared for. Especially when the electric co. Wouldnt be their for 2 more days.  For the next couple weeks the electric was on, we had been keeping busy,  but that night it got scary, it sounded like someone or something was dragging their hands down the back side of the trailer from one end to the other, with no feet print in the wet dirt, a few nights later something ran from one end of the top of the trailer to the other end, again no feet prints, no finger prints no nothing yet again.  This was getting weird really quickly.  
I went into labor 3 days later and was in the hospital for 4 days before I had him, my first born son! He was born as premie at 36 weeks but was 17-1/2” long and weighed 6lbs. I was the proudest mom on planet eart of this big blue eyed, blonde haired baby boy.  He was all mine, it was a love I had never felt before.  He then was diagnosed with jaundise and had to put on a billyreubin light, I called him my little glow worm.  I couldn’t wait til I got to take him home, our own home.  A few days later we were released and I was so excited that I had this healthy baby boy that was going home with us and I could be a real mommy/wife.  My mom was at my house quiet often since she lived so close and he was her first grand baby.  It was a huge help to us with us still settelinv in.  She would watch him while we cleaned and worked or I would watch while she helped.  Everything was going amazingly smooth.  I was enjoying my new life as a mom,wife and home owner.  Things couldn’t had been any better.  A couple weeks later my little neice Haley had came to spend the weekend with us, she was 5 and I loved having a little girl around anyway, we played and I done her hair, she loved holding my baby.  It felt perfect, almost too perfect as I look back.  The second night their I had made her a bed in my bedroom at the foot of my bed and put her to sleep, Ronnie and I sat in the living room watching some dvd’s and talking, from the rocking chair I sat in you could see down the hall into my bedroom, I would look every few min to make sure Haley was asleep still, about the 4th time of looking, I saw a man in a black suit from way back decades before with a black looking hat and it appeared to be hovering over her staring down out her.  I thought at first I was seeing things so I squitted my eyes together and opened them he was gone. I told Ronnie but as usual I was just tired and needed rest so he said.  I wasn’t so sure of it though.  I laid Caden into his basinette an climbed into bed, next ronnie climbed in behind me.  We were out quick and wore out.  I got up a couple times in the night to feed and Ronnie got up a couple times but nothing unusual happened.  Around 6am when I awoke I noticed Caden wasn’t breathing well, like he was forgetting to breathe then catching his breath.  So I got up and went through the house and called my mom, she would know what to do! She said she had noticed he would hold his breath but recommend that I take him and have him checked.  We got our clothes on, and took him to the doctor and found out that he had sleep Apnea, that was disturbing to me packing  around this big machiene with all these little wires and leads connected to my baby.  We picked haley up from my moms and discussed what the doctor had said with her and went home to cook dinner, we were hungry.  While sitting at the coffee table eating watching tv, Haley spoke up and said aunt Dreama who was that man standing over me all night? I knew at that moment I wasn’t seeing things and so did Ronnie his face flushed out of color as he looked at his neice with suprise in his eyes, I told you I spoke up and said, but who was it she said! I don’t know baby girl but I saw him too I replied.  I began to question everything was this what was causing my som to be sick? Was it worth buying this trailer? Was I going crazy? I wasn’t sure at this point but I knew something wasn’t right and I was terrified of this new place, it went from pure excitement to fear really quick.  Their was nothing really I could do at this point, I had no more money and no place else to go.  We were Stuck  and No help, No place to go .  The unexpected was about to happen and we were stuck here for it !
Stay Tuned for Part 3 coming up and find out what happened next and how we got the Hell out of this place.  


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