My Paranormal Story 1

    My Paranormal Story The Barn!

   When I tell you this story, I know that a lot of you are skeptic, but just take into consideration their are things no one can explain. Now I am not here to make you believe me or try and convince you in the paranormal. I am just simply here to share my story. Since I was young I have been sorta sensitive to strange unexplainable events happening around me.  Growing up I lived with my grandparents in a country style home out in the country, the only people living close by were my aunts and uncles.  It was family property for miles. We all grew up really close, more of like brothers and sisters than cousins, aunts, uncles ect.  The good thing about this was, we could play outside all day and all night if we wanted to, and no one ever came around that would harm us.  We used to love to set and listen to our grandparents and parents tell us scary stories. They could tell the stories, which were true stories that would make the hair stand up on the back of your neck. This is how I knew I wasn't crazy, that the things I had been seeing were real.

   Now with that being told, it was one evening in the late  end of Summer, all of us kids were playing hide and go seek outside. This place was huge and we had major places to hide.  Their were barns, buildings, junk cars, trees ect.  It was almost impossible to find everyone, especially us older kids. We would pair up with the younger ones,to keep them from being scared,and so they could actually hide longer than two or three minutes.  It was always scary, especially out in the junk yard or around the barn.  Our parents told us that our Grandparents bought the acres and acres of property cheap, because the man whom lived on the property went off and killed his wife and unborn child, then buried them in separate spots on the property, and that on certain evenings if you were quiet you could hear her walking in the brush crying for her baby.  That was a true story too.  The man had also taken his own life with a shotgun, which is probably why you could hear gun shots out of no where. Now back to the story, it was around 7:30pm and we had been playing for hours, which wasn't unusual for us, we hated being inside. Myself and my cousin Amanda snuck up to the little barn, we knew everyone was afraid of it, and that was perfect, so we knew we would win, because they would never find us.  We were sitting back in the corner in the dark shadows, trying to be quiet yet scared and shaking, we were beginning to think that this was a major mistake on our behalf. It was getting weird outside and we could hear brush breaking on the hill behind the barn.  Hoping it was one of the other kids looking around or just trying to scare us into giving up, we sat still.  

    Sitting their being really quiet we were quickly realizing, it wasn't one of the others hunting for us. Their voices sounded too far away, and we could hear foot steps now, and they were getting closer and closer.  We were to scared to move, breath or make a noise, so we closed our eyes and begin to breathe heavy. With a raspy old scary voice we herd a mans voice saying, were oh were could the old lady be! I begin to cry and so did Amanda, we didn't know what to do, if we stood up it could see us, it sounded to be just out from us by the door to the stall.  If we yelled it would find us, and then what!  As I sat their crying and wishing a thousand times I had never pretended to be brave, I decided we would scream for my cousin Brian, he was the oldest of us all at 16 he wasn't usually scared of anything.  So I told Amanda, on the count of three scream really loud, 1, 2 3, Bbbbbrrrrriiiiannnn we screamed with a shaky voice, then dropping our heads down to our knees,so as not to be able to see what was in front of us out in the shadow. My cousin yelled back, he was still at a distance when he yelled, were are you all at?  Almost too scared to reply but knowing he wouldn't find us, I yelled out, In the little barn.  It was almost as if whatever the thing was outside, heard our voices and it angered it, because the breathing got really heavy and was upon us in no time.  It was over top us breathing, it suddenly got very cold and weird feeling.  Praying please god make it go away, and rocking back and forth, I felt a hand upon my shoulder and a strong voice call out, I found ya.  I screamed because I was scared, but was crying at the same time.  Brian asked what is wrong with you two, why would you hide all the way up here, you know none of them will come this far. I began to tell him, their is a man in here, and he was talking to us, he was just here!  Where, asked Brian, I don't see anyone or hear anything.  I think you two just let your mind get the best of you.  As we stood up to walk out of the barn, it was pitch black and you could barely see the hand in front of your face, we herd a stick break and then saw the look of fear on Brian's face, but he quickly trying to be brave said, oh thats probably the cat. We sure hoped so, then we herd a raspy cough as if it was right beside us, even Brian got scared, but we couldn't run because we would run into one of the fences or an old car.  So we held hands and steadily walked faster, it was like we ran into a cold spot and out of no where was a voice, why are you trespassing, it was weird and raspy.  Scared we all started yelling and then started to run, who cared if we ran into a fence, whatever that was didn't want us their.  Looking behind him Brian yelled, girls keep going there is a man behind us. Once we got to the fence line and in the pole light by the house we looked back, and it looked like a figure of a man, his eyes looked to be glowing white.  We were out of breath, but scared to death. So we knew something was their and our grandparents and parents warned us not to be up their after dark for a reason.  Yes we should have listened, but we were kids. It was almost 11:00 pm and we were all ready to go home and go to bed, we hadn't told the little kids and didn't plan on telling anyone, but later that night while in bed I kept hearing that voice over and over again in my head, I don't know if I was just scared and imaging it, but it sure seemed real. I was terrified so I yelled at my mom, when she came into the room she asked me what was wrong? So I had to tell her.  She got a funny look on her face and said in a stern voice, didn't I tell you not to go up their? Who else went? I told her and she quickly picked up the phone and called my cousins moms and dads and that's when I knew it was very evil, because that night my mom had my uncle whom is a pastor to come and pray over us and the house.  She never would tell us why, but we knew that we weren't doing it again not even in the day time.  It was just very weird because the next day when we were all outside playing, Brian wasn't talking much, so I went over to him and asked what was wrong, and he said, the prayers didn't help him, and he asked me to look at his shoulder, and there were what looked to be, two cut marks on the back of his  neck and his shoulder.   To make this story a little shorter Brian's parents ended up having to have him prayed over many more times and anointed. In the mean time he wasn't sleeping or eating. He lost weight and was sick a lot. I felt it was my fault, which it was, if I hadn't tried to be brave this wouldn't had happened.  After about 3 months of non stop spiritual praying, it finally left him along, but he still says to this day, he sometimes thinks he still hears the voice, and this may sound strange but I know for a fact I still do sometimes, and even have some very strange dreams.  



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