The Life of Shanann Watts

The Life of the Shanann Watts & Angels Shanann Watts the beautiful all American girl that had a dream of a bigger and better life for n ot only herself but her girls and her unborn Son Niko Lee Watts. Shanann had always been a fighter and was never scared to follow her heart an go after her dreams, No Matter how hard the fight and how big the struggle. Shanann at only 34 years of age had already accomplished more than half of the women in her age category at such an young age. Shanann an resident of North Carolina had been previously married to an well known attorney in North Carolina and was married for around 3 yrs, Shanann discovered this marriage just wasn't for her and began to push herself away from the marriage, and eventually they divorced. Shanann soon after a failed marriage found out that she had an autoimmune disease called Lupus, this can be very frightening for a young woman in the prime of their life. Shanann may had looked ok from ...