Let me Start out by saying these stories are my own personal stories. They are true things that have happened to myself and family members! I hope you enjoy and just a reminder never doubt yourself for what you 💀see or hear !!💀 I would say the year was 2005, it was late October, my husband & I had just purchased our first home. It was a used Mobile home, nothing brand new or fancy but it was ours. My mom owned some property on the top of the hill, just across the ridge from what my papaw always called Devils Hollow! (I will explain that later), it was beautiful land and very quiet remote country side. The only other person living within almost a mile was my mom and she was just up on the small bank above us. None of us had gotten electricity ran back their yet (yes it was that far off grid) so the nights were very long and dark and your mind could sometimes play some pretty scary tricks on you, we loved it anyway it was a home, I was pregnant with our first b...