A Few Tips On How to be a successful Reviewer

I am gonna write this Helpful and Great Info on (HOW TO) become an successful Reviewer and what companies want from you as A reviewer. The first thing you need to know and is very important is (AMAZON PRIME) if you want ahead of everyone and to become potentially an Amazon Vine Member (exclusive club) everyone wants in. You need it, come on now who wants to get a free/discounted item only to get ready to check out and WOW 😧 $4.95 sh. Not me I would be totally disappointed I mean really upset (no longer the free/cheep item). SO AMZ prime is needed. Second never ever accept an offer to be paid or endorsed in any way to leave a review, if you don't get the product itself at a discount or free price and you haven't even saw the product Amazon will find out and you will be booted off Amazon. Amazon allows us to do the reviews for products we have physically received, you must leave your own honest and unbiased review, and if for any reason you cannot l...